Americanism Redux: Your Today, July 25, On The Journey To The American Founding, 250 Years Ago, In 1774

Americanism Redux July 25, your today, on the journey to the American Founding, 250 years ago, in 1774 Two little words, "if" and "only". Put them together and you make a razor's edge, capable of slicing and cutting to the level of bone. If only. It's today, 250 years ago, and the shining blade of the two words gleams in the light. Welcome to Americanism Redux. * * * … [Read more...]

Americanism Redux: July 11, Your Today, On The Journey To The American Founding, 250 Years Ago, In 1774

Americanism Redux July 11, your today, on the journey to the American Founding, 250 years ago, in 1774 Endcoming. Is this a new word? Could be. The definition: an end that you see coming. The now won't last. The way you're used to? It will be over. No doubt about it. A profound change will set in. It's only a question of when and where and maybe not much of a question at … [Read more...]

Americanism Redux: Your Today, July 4, On The Journey To The American Founding, 250 Years Ago, In 1774

Americanism Redux July 4, your today, on the journey to the American Founding, 250 years ago, in 1774 (a juncture from AI) In the future, there is a juncture. You believe this, and so do I. At the juncture, everything, or nearly everything, of today that is important, contested, and unresolved will meet. A, B, C, D, and a dozen others will come together. Plans, actions, events, … [Read more...]

Americanism Redux: June 20, Your Today, On The Journey To The American Founding, 250 Years Ago, In 1774

Americanism Redux June 20, your today, on the journey to the American Founding, 250 years ago, in 1774 Your hands grip the wheel. Feels good. Going a bit faster than you're used to or than you like. That's okay. You're dealing with it. The faster pace, it turns out, is manageable. You can still enjoy the countryside out the window. Then, something slams the accelerator and the whole … [Read more...]

Americanism Redux: June 13, Your Today, On The Journey To The American Founding, 250 Years Ago, In 1774

Americanism Redux June 13, your today, on the journey to the American Founding, 250 years ago, in 1774 (within) The deepest, inner-most workings of yourself are not where you spend every day. You can't, it's too exhausting. Those moments arise, however, when the depths, the core, the utter basics, are the only place for you to be to make sense of your existence. Down there you'll … [Read more...]

Americanism Redux: June 6, Your Today, On The Journey To The American Founding, 250 Years Ago, In 1774

Americanism Redux June 6, your today, on the journey to the American Founding, 250 years ago, in 1774 Life has more than one level. (a levels view) Big and large, middle and medium, small and tiny. A hundred others, too. From level to level, things can change. An outlook, an action, a decision, each varies as the levels vary. It pays to know the level you're seeing. * * … [Read more...]

Americanism Redux: May 30, Your Today, On The Journey To The American Founding, 250 Years Ago, In 1774

Americanism Redux May 30, your today, on the journey to the American Founding, 250 years ago, in 1774 Now is new. (yes, it is) You know and feel it. Not everything is new, of course, but a whole lot of important stuff seems on the verge of new. Turn your head and take a look. Focus your mind and apply your thoughts. Listen to the sounds around you. What was will be so no longer. … [Read more...]

Americanism Redux: May 16, Your Today, On The Journey To The American Founding, 250 Years Ago, In 1774

Americanism Redux May 16, your today, on the journey to the American Founding, 250 years ago, in 1774 (it has landed) No more drift, or glide, or float, or motion in air. No more. Instead, on solid ground, the law has landed. * * * * * * * (where it landed) Slightly less than a week ago, Boston's residents read or heard read words of the Boston Port Act passed by … [Read more...]

Americanism Redux: May 2, Your Today, On The Journey To The American Founding, 250 Years Ago, In 1774

Americanism Redux May 2, your today, on the journey to the American Founding, 250 years ago, in 1774 Outside, in the night, an owl hoots. Eyes watch the meadow below the tree. Talons grip the branch until the last second of flight, descent, and attack. Inside, in the night, they sleep. A thin pillow folded in half. A blanket pulled up against the chilly spring blackness. In … [Read more...]

Americanism Redux: April 25, Your Today, On The Journey To The American Founding, 250 Years Ago, In 1774

Americanism Redux April 25, your today, on the journey to the American Founding, 250 years ago, in 1774 Stop and listen for the sound. You'll hear it, perhaps recognizing without realizing. It's the sound that tells you where you are, the thing that you often hear at this time of day or this place of night. Or maybe you won't hear … [Read more...]

Americanism Redux: April 11, Your Today, On The Journey To The American Founding, 250 Years Ago, In 1774

Americanism Redux April 11, your today, on the journey to the American Founding, 250 years ago, in 1774 Your money. It's in your account. How much? It's on your credit card? How much? It's listed on sheets and screens. How much? You access your money through passwords, numbered codes, facial recognition. You're reminded of it every time you see a person holding up a sign and asking … [Read more...]

Americanism Redux: March 28, Your Today, On The Journey To The American Founding, 250 Years Ago, In 1774

Americanism Redux March 28, your today, on the journey to the American Founding, 250 years ago, in 1774 (together, voluntarily) Do you belong? To a club, a group, some sort of collection of people outside your family? Together, you and they meet each other, see each other, spend a period of time with each other. You, and they, are joined for a while around whatever it is that brings … [Read more...]

Americanism Redux: March 14, Your Today, On The Journey To The American Founding, 250 Years Ago, In 1774

Americanism Redux March 14, your today, on the journey to the American Founding, 250 years ago, in 1774 A public problem has grown into a public crisis. Some people are part of pushing and driving the growth. Others resist and seek its undoing. Still others rush to stand apart and build a wall against whatever is coming. And life rolls ahead, over stones and rocks in the river. … [Read more...]

Americanism Redux: January 18, Your Today, On The Journey To The American Founding, 250 Years Ago, In 1774

Americanism Redux January 18, your today, on the journey to the American Founding, 250 years ago, in 1774 The tea rings continue rolling beyond Boston Bay from a month ago. "It was done by Fire and Water; and so general was the spirit, that all ranks and degrees of people, high and low, rich and poor, Whig and Tory, agreed in the affair." So described an observer in Newburyport, … [Read more...]

Americanism Redux: January 11, Your Today, On The Journey To The American Founding, 250 Years Ago, In 1774

Americanism Redux January 11, your today, on the journey to the American Founding, 250 years ago, in 1774 Over there is your diary. Over there is a sheet of parchment paper. Over there is a notebook. But you're not writing in any of them today, 250 years ago, unless you're in the south, where it's warmer. For most British colonists, it's deep winter. Ice. Snow. Frigid air. And there … [Read more...]