I Dug These Up

I knew I'd written these but I just wasn't sure exactly when. Well, first, it was September of 2020, almost four years ago. I coined a phrase-name that I'm sure wasn't completely popular. I never meant it in partisan political terms. I meant it as descriptive. Warren Biden. A hybrid of Warren Harding and Joseph Biden. It's appropriate today in July 2024 because of the connections I made in my … [Read more...]

The 10-POTUS Checklist–Your Tool For The 2024 Presidential Election

THE 10-POTUS CHECKLIST--YOUR TOOL FOR THE 2024 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION Last time I did a list like this I entitled it the "9 POTUS Checklist." That's because nine American presidents, as of 2016-2019, had won a first term, won re-nomination as president, and lost the general presidential election for a consecutive second term. The 2020 election added one to the list but changed my findings not … [Read more...]

The List

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IXGP8VA3GRs A list is what you make of it. In writing a list, reading a list, following-up on a list, its value depends on something beyond the list itself. I thought of this when I read this morning about one aspect of the meeting between President Joe Biden and President Vladimir Putin. According to accounts, President Biden handed to Putin a list of … [Read more...]

If History Rhymes: The Poem Of Warren Biden

Don't freak out. Just give me a minute or two. How it happened no one really knows. Somewhere along the line Mark Twain scooped up the credit as writer and speaker of one of the best quotes ever uttered about the past and history. History may not repeat—Twain is supposed to have said—but it sure does rhyme. Great stuff. And so very true when you think about the passage of time on a scale … [Read more...]