Americanism Redux February 6, your today, on the journey to the American Founding, 250 years ago, in 1775 Is life visible in all its forms in a few days? Yes, if you look at Virginia, the British colony. * * * * * * * (the site of Sarah's operation) After hearing the words "breast cancer" some weeks back, Sarah Eilbeck started dreading the arrival of today, 250 years ago. … [Read more...]
Americanism Redux: February 6, Your Today, 250 Years Ago, In 1775
Americanism Redux: January 30, Your Today, 250 Years Ago, In 1775
Americanism Redux January 30, Your Today, 250 Years Ago, In 1775 Anything you've heard? Anything at all? The latest scrap, the most recent piece, any important new thing that shows what's going to happen. That's what people want, today, January 30. 250 years ago. * * * * * * * (She's asking a friend) A woman reaches out to a man, friend to friend. She's looking … [Read more...]
Americanism Redux: January 24, Your Today, 250 Years Ago, In 1775
Americanism Redux January 24, Your Today, 250 Years Ago, In 1775 Two tracks, two lines, two paths. For now, they are apart. They run separate. Day by day, though, they come closer together. They'll touch, join, blend. What happens then? Something will change. One of them will change. * * * * * * * (look for the Phillips family) William Phillips is a merchant in … [Read more...]
Americanism Redux: January 16, Your Today, 250 Years Ago, In 1775
Americanism Redux January 16, Your Today, 250 Years Ago, In 1775 Let's allow an illusion. You've got your minutes and hours and days down to your own control, that everything you're doing flows into a narrowly formed funnel over and over again. It's fine to think it. Go ahead and live it. Just know that up-top, where time runs, life doesn't care. It's always everywhere, moving in … [Read more...]
Americanism Redux: January 9, Your Today, 250 Years Ago, In 1775
Americanism Redux January 9, Your Today, 250 Years Ago, In 1775 A thing happens twice. * * * * * * * (the overnight act) One is first, real and experienced as a direct, right-now, and first-hand fact. "I see that." Two is second, as in reported in viewing (read or watched) or listening (heard) and experienced as indirect and second-hand fact, second-layer fact, … [Read more...]
Americanism Redux: January 2, Your Today, 250 Years Ago, In 1775
Americanism Redux January 2, Your Today, 250 Years Ago, In 1775 A new year. * * * * * * * (Parkman) It was six months ago—six months! Hasn't enough time passed? Why do they keep coming back at me? Reverend Ebenezer Parkman sits in the house next to his church. Many of his congregants verge on despising him. He knows it. He doesn't sleep well, food tastes bland, and his … [Read more...]
Americanism Redux: December 26, Your Today, 250 Years Ago, In 1774
Americanism Redux December 26, your today, on the journey to the American Founding, 250 years ago, in 1774 Maybe we should be grateful we don't know. Knowing the future could be much more of a burden than a blessing. Two years from now, right now, for you and me and we. Don't tell me. (But how about a quick peek?) * * * * * * * (the seat you're in) Today, 250 … [Read more...]
Americanism Redux: December 19, Your Today, 250 Years Ago, In 1774
Americanism Redux December 19, your today, on the journey to the American Founding, 250 years ago, in 1774 The storm's not on the horizon/ The storm is not out there/ The storm that's now arising/ Is the storm I'm about to bear. * * * * * * * (as newlyweds) She lies in bed while he rides his horse. Deborah Franklin, wife of Benjamin, dies 250 years ago this week … [Read more...]
Americanism Redux: December 12, Your Today, 250 Years Ago, In 1774
Americanism Redux December 12, your today, on the journey to the American Founding, 250 years ago, in 1774 Time has a way of warping things. You look back on two things in the past. Thing One happened before Thing Two. When you see it from now, Thing Two seems utterly natural, smooth, and free-flowing after Thing One. That's a warp, and usually not a reliable way of moving from … [Read more...]
Americanism Redux: December 5, Your Today, 250 Years Ago, In 1774
Americanism Redux December 5, your today, on the journey to the American Founding, 250 years ago, in 1774 If you'd told me last year at this time that you, me, and all of us would be where we are now... ...I never would have believed you... ...nope, never would have believed it. * * * * * * * (the logo they will adopt) It's never happened this way before in the colony … [Read more...]
Americanism Redux: November 21, Your Today, 250 Years Ago, In 1774
Americanism Redux November 21, your today, on the journey to the American Founding, 250 years ago, in 1774 You know it because you live it. Others know through living, too. And pretty much across the board you and they have the same feeling. Here it is: —the problem is so big right now that it's likely this turns out only one way: —war: —that's the reality for you and me if … [Read more...]
Americanism Redux-November 14, Your Today, 250 Years Ago, In 1774
Americanism Redux November 14, your today, on the journey to the American Founding, 250 years ago, in 1774 Both a boulder and a ball roll. The similarity ends there. It's 250 years ago—let the bouncing begin. * * * * * * * He was sky-high, up on a cloud in his excitement. It's his time of the year and it's a special year all by itself! Reverend Ebenezer Parkman dates his … [Read more...]
Americanism Redux: November 7, Your Today, 250 Years Ago In 1774
Americanism Redux November 7, your today, on the journey to the American Founding, 250 years ago, in 1774 We've got to make sure about these elections. And check the clock on your phone about spring-forward and fall-back. * * * * * * * Today, 250 years ago, the people of Philadelphia in the colony of Pennsylvania learn of the strict process of election that will occur in the … [Read more...]
Americanism Redux: Your Today, October 31, 250 Years Ago, In 1774
Americanism Redux October 31, your today, on the journey to the American Founding, 250 years ago, in 1774 Standing in the place we could not have imagined, thinking the thought we vowed would never be known. Halloween, 250 years ago, today. * * * * * * * (where this Word was spoken) Eyes wide open, then blinking hard. Lump in the throat, then swallowing hard. Sitting … [Read more...]
Americanism Redux: October 24, Your Today, 250 Years Ago, In 1774
Americanism Redux October 24, your today, on the journey to the American Founding, 250 years ago, in 1774 Such a big day. I know it is. Big, big day. Amazing. But I wonder: is this how I'll always think of this day? * * * * * * * (Carpenters' Hall) Today, 250 years ago, a month-and-a-half has gone by and the colonial delegates at the special Congress are wrapping up their … [Read more...]
Americanism Redux: October 17, Your Today, 250 Years Ago, In 1774
Americanism Redux October 17, your today, on the journey to the American Founding, 250 years ago, in 1774 Things are clearer in October. Crispness where haze once was. Brightness where darkness once was. A sharp aroma where heavy air once was. Open yourself to the sights and sounds and smells of October. You might as well because they'll find you anyway. * * * * * * … [Read more...]
Americanism Redux: October 10, Your Today, In 1774
Americanism Redux October 10, your today, on the journey to the American Founding, 250 years ago, in 1774 Time is a river, and you're at a spot in the current, 250 years ago. * * * * * * * Today, the massive oak and elm trees show the year with shades of yellow and red appearing amongst the aging leaves. Today, talons wrapped around branches of the hardwoods, eagles wait and … [Read more...]
Americanism Redux: October 3, Your Today, In 1774
Americanism Redux October 3, your today, on the journey to the American Founding, 250 years ago, in 1774 Look around. You're seeing it sinking and seeping into everything. All around you. Think you can avoid it? That really doesn't seem likely. You'll need to figure out what it means in your life, for your life. * * * * * * * (Gurnet Lighthouse) Would you believe it? … [Read more...]
Americanism Redux: September 26, Your Today, In 1774
Americanism Redux September 26, your today, on the journey to the American Founding, 250 years ago, in 1774 An American original. Living a life in a place, and a place that shapes the living of a life. But the life needs birthing and the place needs making. * * * * * * * (beginning) Elizabeth lays back in her bed. The sheets are soaked in sweat and linen cloth shows … [Read more...]
Americanism Redux: September 19, Your Today, In 1774
Americanism Redux September 19, your today, on the journey to the American Founding, 250 years ago, in 1774 (the green hints of first) A campfire brings a rare feeling in the early fall. Before frost and cold and icy breath, a fire of early fall is for warmth, not heat; for whispers and spoken words, not shouts and wild tirades; for support, not survival. Next to a fire of … [Read more...]
Americanism Redux: September 12, Your Today, In 1774
Americanism Redux September 12, your today, on the journey to the American Founding, 250 years ago, in 1774 The land and the ground are so basic you're seldom aware of them. You assume them. They're always there. Always. But the unthinkable can happen. And when it does, the land sways like the surface of the ocean. The ground shakes and cracks and roars. Earth quakes. I feel an … [Read more...]
Americanism Redux: September 5, Your Today, In 1774
Americanism Redux September 5, your today, on the journey to the American Founding, 250 years ago, in 1774 (this is the Pepperell flag, perhaps for American Moment holiday) America, listen to me. Start a new celebration, commemoration, memorialization. Add it to the 4th of July. Do it across the first five days of every September. Beer and barbecue, wine and quiche, makes no … [Read more...]
Americanism Redux: August 29, Your Today, 250 Years Ago
Americanism Redux August 29, your today, on the journey to the American Founding, 250 years ago, in 1774 Are you feeling well? Fever or chills? Aches or soreness? Tell me a number that describes your pain. The baby, the child, the adult, each in a different condition and each in the care of someone who cares, or knows, or both. They have a number. Today, 250 years ago, … [Read more...]
Americanism Redux–August 15, Your Today, 250 Years Ago, in 1774
Americanism Redux August 15, your today, on the journey to the American Founding, 250 years ago, in 1774 You let it in, brought it in, welcomed it in. Doesn't matter, you chose and that's fine. Completely okay. The "it" is the current public political and governmental turmoil around you. You have a stance and a viewpoint and something to say about it. Part of your life, by … [Read more...]
Americanism Redux: August 8, Your Today, 250 Years Ago, In 1774
Americanism Redux August 8, your today, on the journey to the American Founding, 250 years ago, in 1774 I'm in this place I can't quite figure out. There's a way out, somehow. There's a way ahead, somewhere? How do I not go down? * * * * * * * The last thing he remembers is the horse and the air and the blackening. And … [Read more...]
Americanism Redux: August 1, Your Today, 250 Years Ago, In 1774
Americanism Redux August 1, your today, on the journey to the American Founding, 250 years ago, in 1774 No longer. I'm done. I've been driven to the breaking point, I'm breaking at the breaking point, I'm going past into whatever is next after breaking at the breaking point. Maybe you've been here, with addiction, the wrong crowd, a bad relationship, a hated job, a dead-end town. … [Read more...]
Americanism Redux: Your Today, July 25, On The Journey To The American Founding, 250 Years Ago, In 1774
Americanism Redux July 25, your today, on the journey to the American Founding, 250 years ago, in 1774 Two little words, "if" and "only". Put them together and you make a razor's edge, capable of slicing and cutting to the level of bone. If only. It's today, 250 years ago, and the shining blade of the two words gleams in the light. Welcome to Americanism Redux. * * * … [Read more...]
Americanism Redux: July 18, Your Today, On The Journey To The American Founding, 250 Years Ago, In 1774
Americanism Redux July 18, your today, on the journey to the American Founding, 250 years ago, in 1774 The only passage to the future is through the present. No other door opens up on tomorrow. Only today. * * * * * * * (the land of Nomini Hall) In the final scorching of a summer day, the sun sat for a moment on the distant trees. A lush green thickened the woods and meadows … [Read more...]
Americanism Redux: July 11, Your Today, On The Journey To The American Founding, 250 Years Ago, In 1774
Americanism Redux July 11, your today, on the journey to the American Founding, 250 years ago, in 1774 Endcoming. Is this a new word? Could be. The definition: an end that you see coming. The now won't last. The way you're used to? It will be over. No doubt about it. A profound change will set in. It's only a question of when and where and maybe not much of a question at … [Read more...]
Americanism Redux: Your Today, July 4, On The Journey To The American Founding, 250 Years Ago, In 1774
Americanism Redux July 4, your today, on the journey to the American Founding, 250 years ago, in 1774 (a juncture from AI) In the future, there is a juncture. You believe this, and so do I. At the juncture, everything, or nearly everything, of today that is important, contested, and unresolved will meet. A, B, C, D, and a dozen others will come together. Plans, actions, events, … [Read more...]
Americanism Redux: June 27, Your Today, On The Journey To The American Founding, 250 Years Ago, In 1774
Americanism Redux June 27, your today, on the journey to the American Founding, 250 years ago, in 1774 Boil it all down and one thing is left, stark and clear. You are the linchpin. Just think about it. You're right now, in this single and very real moment, the present. You're the thing between the past of how you've gotten here and the future of where you're likely going. You're … [Read more...]
Americanism Redux: June 20, Your Today, On The Journey To The American Founding, 250 Years Ago, In 1774
Americanism Redux June 20, your today, on the journey to the American Founding, 250 years ago, in 1774 Your hands grip the wheel. Feels good. Going a bit faster than you're used to or than you like. That's okay. You're dealing with it. The faster pace, it turns out, is manageable. You can still enjoy the countryside out the window. Then, something slams the accelerator and the whole … [Read more...]
Americanism Redux: June 13, Your Today, On The Journey To The American Founding, 250 Years Ago, In 1774
Americanism Redux June 13, your today, on the journey to the American Founding, 250 years ago, in 1774 (within) The deepest, inner-most workings of yourself are not where you spend every day. You can't, it's too exhausting. Those moments arise, however, when the depths, the core, the utter basics, are the only place for you to be to make sense of your existence. Down there you'll … [Read more...]
Americanism Redux: June 6, Your Today, On The Journey To The American Founding, 250 Years Ago, In 1774
Americanism Redux June 6, your today, on the journey to the American Founding, 250 years ago, in 1774 Life has more than one level. (a levels view) Big and large, middle and medium, small and tiny. A hundred others, too. From level to level, things can change. An outlook, an action, a decision, each varies as the levels vary. It pays to know the level you're seeing. * * … [Read more...]