Welcome to The Trump Project (TTP). The Trump Project is a non-partisan exploration of President Donald J. Trump and the Trump presidential administration in the context of American history. With all of the noise and fury around President Trump as “unprecedented” this or “historical” that, you and I will take a measured, forthright, and honest look at the real nature of actions, decisions, conduct, and more in the Trump White House as they relate to other presidents in the American Experience. Sometimes, we’ll learn that Trump is truly first in a particular way. Other times, we’ll learn that he is not. Regardless, we’ll be able to place him in a meaningful historical context. Thanks for taking time to enjoy TTP. All the best, Dan
TTP: ElectionDay-To-InaugurationDay–Paddles & Yardstick
ElectionDay-To-InaugurationDay: Your Leadership & 5 Crisis Periods From American History Five times in American life a crisis has blazed away in the period from Election Day to Inauguration Day. Fives times Americans have faced turmoil, confusion, uncertainty, and potential chaos in this stretch of days and weeks covering the end of one year's presidential election and the next year's … [Read More...]
TTP: The Pandemic Presidents
POTUS 45 and POTUS 28 They are the Pandemic Presidents, Donald J. Trump and T. Woodrow Wilson. We'll get to that in a minute. First, I'd like you to go back and breathe in the early winter air of late 2016. That's when I got the first whiff, invisible yet detectable. Time tracks forward, in a line from one minute to the next, one day to the next, and on we go. In reality, though, time flows … [Read More...]
TTP: Your Waters Of The Day
Mr. Sherlock Holmes and Dr. John Watson Nearly all of POTUS 45's term is past. It is in the past, as in before now. We don't know if the adjective “first” or “one” will precede the word "term." That's not the choice I am asking you to make today. Settle down. Easy does it. I have something else in mind. Clearly, among the fundamental leadership points raised in the experience of POTUS 45 is … [Read More...]
TTP: An Odd Fact Of Three By 2 And Twice
We're neck-deep and head-high in the 2020 presidential campaign. I've got an odd fact from our 45 Presidents Of The United States (POTUS) that might help you navigate the wild waters around us. I'll leave it to you to determine what it means for our current situation. In all of our history of presidential elections, from 1789 down to today, only twice—TWICE—have we had a consecutive string of … [Read More...]
TTP Working Paper: 60 Days Out
60 days from now, on November 3, the American presidency will be decided. Or at least that's when most Americans who vote go to the polls, do whatever ritual of choice and choosing in their heads, and cast their ballot. As of this writing, 60 days from now the time of decision begins. Seems like a good time to bring back the yardstick! Yes, I'm referring to the research and analysis I've done … [Read More...]
TTP: A 9 POTUS Checklist for the 2020 Election: Part III, Just The Numbers
The past illuminates the relationship between today and the future. Our present is on a course, maybe a crash-course it sometimes feels, with a specific date in the future. I'm referring to Tuesday, November 3, the date of the 2020 presidential election. I've researched the past of the American presidency using a three-part criteria. Here it is: 1) presidents have won election to a first-term; … [Read More...]
TTP: A 9 POTUS Checklist for the 2020 Presidential Election, Part II
So, from Part I of my series, you now know that 9 POTUSes won and completed a first presidential term, won their party's nomination for re-election, but lost in the election for a second term in the White House. Also, you have the six-item checklist to use in gauging whether or not we'll add the 10th POTUS to the group in November 2020. To refresh your recall of Part I, CLICK HERE. For you … [Read More...]
TTP: FuturePast
I happen to believe that the South Carolina Republican primary in early 2016 will one day be seen as the point at which Donald Trump's nomination reached a critical mass. After it, Trump's nomination became increasingly probable. The ability to turn in a different direction narrowed with each passing week. Here's why. South Carolina in early 2016 was a place with public opinion apparently … [Read More...]
TTP: A 9 POTUS Checklist for the 2020 Presidential Election, Part I
I'd like to offer you a free gift before the 2020 presidential election hits you in full force. No, not steak knives or diet food or some type of weird enhancement. I'm referring to a tool of sorts. You're going to need it because the media coverage between now and November will be unlike anything you've experienced before. You'll be reaching for ear plugs, sleep masks, and anything else that will … [Read More...]
TTP: Measuring From The Past–Four Stories And The Trump Presidency
With history, you gain perspective. You gain a sense of what's truly near you, what's far away, and how one thing flows from another. That's why, in my talk entitled "Measuring From The American Past—Four Stories And The Trump Presidency", I share a set of brief insights from American history to help us know how to fit the Presidency of Donald Trump into 2020 and beyond. These stories speak to … [Read More...]
TTP: Measuring Shadows
The magic number is 9. That's how many US Presidents have won a first-term in the White House, secured their party's nomination for a second-term, but failed to win re-election. To refresh your memory, here are the 9, starting with the most recent and moving backward: George HW Bush; Jimmy Carter; Herbert Hoover; William Taft; Benjamin Harrison; Grover Cleveland; Martin Van Buren; John Quincy … [Read More...]
TTP: The Moment Never Dies
One moment, one event, can live a long, long time. And if it happens on a public stage or in the public eye, the staying power can take on even greater magnitude. Once more, we have a shared point between POTUS 7 and POTUS 45. Well before any action they took in the White House, this moment had, in the public's mind or at least the collective minds of their followers, made Andrew Jackson and … [Read More...]
TTP: The Role of Ratings
There is a particular aspect of Donald Trump's approach to the presidency that may have been overlooked. Television ratings. Before 2016, Trump was steeped in the world of television ratings nearly as much as he was in real estate and commercial development. Television ratings form a key part of his way of separating success from failure, of what to do from what not to … [Read More...]
TTP: Stronger Stuff In The Glasses
"The Trump Rule" was a creation of mine back in December 2016. Over a tasty lunchtime fare of chicken and salad, I shared with workshop participants three stories from the American past to help them understand the emerging Trump Presidency. After each story and as the cookie tray was passed around the table, I offered a takeaway. The Trump Rule was one of my takeaways. I told folks that the … [Read More...]
TTP: Thoughts Over Wine Tonight–The 1832 Election And The 2020 Election
Tonight I have the blessed privilege to enjoy a glass of wine with some very good folks. I'll be talking briefly with the members of the Westfield (IN) GOP Club at Wolfies in Westfield. My topic is as savory as the pinot noir--the lessons of 1832 for 2020. You see, I've maintained that Andrew Jackson was the first quasi-Donald Trump. So, it's natural for me to suggest that we can gain a lot of … [Read More...]
TTP: Taking A Pick-Axe To Nine American Presidents
A vein of resources lies buried in the past. With my pick-axe in hand, I mined for answers to a particular question: What does the past say about POTUS 45, Donald J. Trump, winning re-election as president in 2020? I explored the stories of nine American presidents. Each of them sought re-election to a second consecutive term in the White House. Each won their party's nomination but lost on … [Read More...]
TTP: Reaching Across Time: Four Thoughts on Steve Bannon and Duff Green
Permit me a few additional remarks on the commonalities between Donald Trump (the second Jackson) and Steve Bannon in 2108 and Andrew Jackson (the first Trump) and Duff Green in 1831. As you'll know from my recent posts, I regard Green as Bannon-like. Green was the moving force behind the United States Telegraph, a new kind of political newspaper in the 1820s and 1830s, one that featured scandal, … [Read More...]
TTP: Steve Bannon As Duff Green
I've spoken and written often about the connection between Donald Trump and his leadership forebear, Andrew Jackson. Jackson, in my view, is the first Donald Trump. I don't say that to go on a tangent that is specifically pro-Trump or anti-Trump, pro-Jackson or anti-Jackson. I simply maintain this position because I think it works, it helps illuminate the present and future. The new break … [Read More...]
TTP: The Similar Opposite
TTP: The Similar Opposite Andrew Jackson as the first Donald Trump, Donald Trump as the second Andrew Jackson. As many of you know, I've been among those who have asserted that a link connects these two American Presidents. I also believe a link connects their opponents. The people who opposed Andrew Jackson share quite a lot with those who stand against—or "resist", to use their … [Read More...]
TTP: An Open Letter To The Four Horsemen Of The Trumpocalypse
I'm a big fan of them. For today I'll dub John Podhoretz, Abe Greenwald, Noah Rothman, and Sohrab Ahmari as the Four Horsemen of the Trumpocalypse. They're the commentators of Commentary, a magazine devoted to, as Podhoretz dutifully recounts in every podcast, "intellectual analysis, political probity, and cultural criticism from a conservative perspective." They are also fair-minded … [Read More...]