I Dug These Up

I knew I'd written these but I just wasn't sure exactly when. Well, first, it was September of 2020, almost four years ago. I coined a phrase-name that I'm sure wasn't completely popular. I never meant it in partisan political terms. I meant it as descriptive. Warren Biden. A hybrid of Warren Harding and Joseph Biden. It's appropriate today in July 2024 because of the connections I made in my … [Read more...]

If History Rhymes: The Poem of Kamala Coolidge

The 2020s and the 1920s are already rhyming. They already display patterns and movements that have this weird sync with one another. Not exact. Not mirrored. But zigging and zigging, zagging and zagging, the stuff of times and rhymes, these are all around us. The waves of pandemic are only the start, powerful yes, but merely the first of many. I've written about the rhyming of two candidates … [Read more...]