Two Lives–Death and Doom, Them and Us

Below is a copy of one of my most important blog posts on the two pandemics, 1918-1921 and 2020-2022. As I think you'll see, the gap of time means nothing but the nature of time means everything. ******************************************************************************* A People And Two Lifes. Regardless of where you are with the pandemic today, one point we can agree on is the difficulty … [Read more...]

The 1920s-As-2020s Overview – The Rhyme Of History

THE 1920s-As-2020s Overview – The Rhyme of History Laying the Groundwork... Americans of 2020-2023 and Americans of 1918-1921 share a striking similarity. They encountered, endured, and exited a deeply serious public crisis. That crisis shared (rhymed, in my parlance) key realities. The primary sharing point was that in both periods Americans coped with a pandemic that collided with the major … [Read more...]

Learning From The 1918 Influenza Pandemic: Day 47

In Ohio, a temporary hospital. The trends are bad, no matter what they tell you, but that's not the whole story. More to tell, more to know. Day 47, October 24, 1918. Today, people are jumping in, taking action, making a difference in the circles around them. Water on the rock—though pressures from influenza do wear us down, at the same time they reveal beauty, worth, and essence. As tidal … [Read more...]