I knew I'd written these but I just wasn't sure exactly when. Well, first, it was September of 2020, almost four years ago. I coined a phrase-name that I'm sure wasn't completely popular. I never meant it in partisan political terms. I meant it as descriptive. Warren Biden. A hybrid of Warren Harding and Joseph Biden. It's appropriate today in July 2024 because of the connections I made in my … [Read more...]
The 1920s As The 2020s: A Powerpoint Overview
Below is a 12-slide powerpoint overview of my Leadership Construct known as "20s-As-20s." It's a brief and high-level summary of how I believe the two decades of the 1920s and 2020s rhyme with each other—not repeat, but rhyme—in trends, events, and decision-points. I'm offering this to you free of charge. Below are supplemental remarks that provide slightly more context. If you'd like to explore … [Read more...]
From The Pandemic And The Turning Of The Earth – Point One Of Eight
Last night, in the early Thursday evening of March 11, 2021, I devoted my weekly show "Today In Leadership History" (seen on Facebook Live) to a recounting of major events a year ago on the same day. On that one day the World Health Organization defined coronavirus as a pandemic; POTUS 45 closed travel from Europe; the NBA suspended its season; Tom and Rita Hanks disclosed from Australia that … [Read more...]