TTP: Your Waters Of The Day

Mr. Sherlock Holmes and Dr. John Watson Nearly all of POTUS 45's term is past. It is in the past, as in before now. We don't know if the adjective “first” or “one” will precede the word "term." That's not the choice I am asking you to make today. Settle down. Easy does it. I have something else in mind. Clearly, among the fundamental leadership points raised in the experience of POTUS 45 is … [Read more...]

TTP: An Odd Fact Of Three By 2 And Twice

We're neck-deep and head-high in the 2020 presidential campaign. I've got an odd fact from our 45 Presidents Of The United States (POTUS) that might help you navigate the wild waters around us. I'll leave it to you to determine what it means for our current situation. In all of our history of presidential elections, from 1789 down to today, only twice—TWICE—have we had a consecutive string of … [Read more...]

TTP: A 9 POTUS Checklist for the 2020 Election: Part III, Just The Numbers

The past illuminates the relationship between today and the future. Our present is on a course, maybe a crash-course it sometimes feels, with a specific date in the future. I'm referring to Tuesday, November 3, the date of the 2020 presidential election. I've researched the past of the American presidency using a three-part criteria. Here it is: 1) presidents have won election to a first-term; … [Read more...]

TTP: A 9 POTUS Checklist for the 2020 Presidential Election, Part II

So, from Part I of my series, you now know that 9 POTUSes won and completed a first presidential term, won their party's nomination for re-election, but lost in the election for a second term in the White House. Also, you have the six-item checklist to use in gauging whether or not we'll add the 10th POTUS to the group in November 2020. To refresh your recall of Part I, CLICK HERE. For you … [Read more...]

The List That Can Save Your Sanity

The televised impeachment hearings of POTUS 45 are officially open. You'll be inundated with news, quasi-news, fake news, yuk news, and more. Much more. By all means, pay attention. But you don't need me to say that. My best role, my best advice, is to provide you with the list below and remind you of what it means. Consider, a century ago, in the twelve months and fifty-two weeks of 1919: … [Read more...]