One Year Later: Leaving The Pandemic

A Historical Solutions Leadership Talkshop for summer 2021…register now…

Leaving The Pandemic: Your Leadership And The Lessons One Year After World War II, World War I, And The Civil War.

It’s 1946, 1919, and 1866 and Americans have put hard times in the rear-view mirror. They’ve said goodbye to the problems and difficulties of a major struggle—World War II, World War I, and the Civil War. They were determined to pivot from bad days to better times. And now, one year later, here is where we are…

You and your followers are doing the same thing right now in 2021 after the worst of the pandemic, the twilight of covid. Moving into one year later.

It’s about the mood and the attitude of people, the expectations ahead and the memories behind. It’s about what you’re able to do as a leader and what you’re assumed to be doing as a leader. It’s about preparing for the challenges ahead—seeing around the next corner with far more clarity than other people because you, unlike them, will gain insights from Americans who experienced ONE YEAR LATER.

1945+1 1918+1 1865+1 2020+1

These are your reasons for joining my Talkshop.

In my signature fast-paced, you-are-there, and application-based method called a Talkshop, I invite you to join a small group of other leaders to explore the realities of 1946, 1919, and 1866. Together we will find real-world takeaways for your workplace, homeplace, and community place in 2021-2022.

Date: 3:30p-5p, Friday, August 6, 2021

Location: RDS Office Furniture Showroom: The Learning Space, 5756 West 71st Street, Indianapolis, IN 46278

Refreshments provided

Note: vaccinations required for this face-to-face event

Cost: $75 per person (limited seating)

Contact me immediately to secure your seat. 317-407-3687 text or call. email