An Off-Shoot

I spend a lot of time in time passed.

The past. All time before now. 

Since this is so, I’d like to offer an out-of-the way thought from the 21st anniversary of September 11, 2001, or 9-11 as it’s shortened for history, those small slices of the past chosen to be remembered.

I’m thinking of the Invisible Triangle.

The Invisible Triangle affects you, me, all and each of us.

It consists of the Day Before, The Day Of, and The Day After. In 9-11 terms I’m referring to the 10th when no one knew anything dangerous and life-ending or life-overturning would happen; the 11th when the unthinkable and unimaginable and unexpected struck; and the 12th when, in the smoke and rubble of the strike, life goes on while enveloping deaths a day old, deaths yet to come, death undiscovered.

That’s the Day Before, the Day Of, and the Day After. Time forms into a triangle of experience. Not knowing. Knowing. Known.

In one way at least you’re like me.

You have the Invisible Triangle. In fact, more than one. In truth, many more than one.

And so does everyone around you.

Time flows ahead, second to second, day to day, year to year. Just like a River. For a few other thoughts of mine about time as a River, see here. Come to think of it, if you’d like to chat about my services for you or you and your team, let me know, I’m just a text away 317-407-3687. Happy to discuss.

Most of all, amidst everything that you’re doing, have a thoughtful and thought-filled day.

Thanks for reading. All the best, Dan