Teams and Millennials

As I’ve written elsewhere, my presentation on generational differences was warmly received. Since then, I’ve given more thought as to the effect of generatioalism on teams. Think of the teams in your organization, or the team of which you’re a part. What does it mean for the team leader if he or she is a member of a particular generation? What does it mean if he or she belongs to one of the five categories of generations that I mentioned in my presentation? And if most or a core of the team belongs to something (generationally) from the team leader, how will this difference affect the team as a whole? Worthy questions, these.

I also think that location longevity has a role in generations. Location longevity pertains to the length of time in which one’s family has been in the surrounding nation or country. In our case, to illustrate, it might be quite relevant to know how long a 28-year-old Latino team member’s family has been in the U.S. Is he or she first-generation or second- or later-generation as an American? You may be aware that parents who are first-generation tend to clash with their children who grow up as a second and more assimilated generation. That’s what happened to many Asian, East European, and Southern European families in the early/mid-20th century. So, the upshot for you is that your team may be affected by the location longevity of their family at home.