Americanism Redux February 8, your today, on the journey to the American Founding, 250 years ago, in 1774 You need to see this thing. Good God, it's a massive tree. Down it came, crash and thud. By now, today, 250 years ago, the leaves are dead, the bark and branches gone, and the wood becomes plank and log. Other trees are laying next to it. (Harrod's tool) Over there, that's … [Read more...]

Americanism Redux February 1, your today, on the journey to the American Founding, 250 years ago, in 1774 Sight for seeing up-close. Sight for seeing far-away. Sight for seeing what's not there at all. Sometime your ability to see depends on your orientation, on where you are. * * * * * * * (the home where Mercy missed her friends) Today, 250 years ago Mercy Otis Warren is … [Read more...]

Americanism Redux January 25, your today, on the journey to the American Founding, 250 years ago, in 1774 Slumped against the front door, he's reaching for the handle. With a few fingers on one hand, he grabs, holds, and turns. The door opens. The mob yells and shouts and taunts as he drags himself inside. He's half-crawling, half-sliding on the wooden floor. The pain is now his entire life, … [Read more...]

Americanism Redux January 18, your today, on the journey to the American Founding, 250 years ago, in 1774 The tea rings continue rolling beyond Boston Bay from a month ago. "It was done by Fire and Water; and so general was the spirit, that all ranks and degrees of people, high and low, rich and poor, Whig and Tory, agreed in the affair." So described an observer in Newburyport, … [Read more...]

If you've not read my Q4 1773 entries of Americanism Redux, here's a five-minute video summary. Take a look.    … [Read more...]

Americanism Redux January 11, your today, on the journey to the American Founding, 250 years ago, in 1774 Over there is your diary. Over there is a sheet of parchment paper. Over there is a notebook. But you're not writing in any of them today, 250 years ago, unless you're in the south, where it's warmer. For most British colonists, it's deep winter. Ice. Snow. Frigid air. And there … [Read more...]

Americanism Redux January 4, your today, on the journey to the American Founding, 250 years ago, in 1774 (near the site of Mrs. Roger's school) Today, 250 years ago, a woman enters the turbulent marketplace of education in Philadelphia. As the most advanced and innovative larger community in the British colonies, Philadelphia is the scene of fierce competition for students and … [Read more...]

On December 12, 2023, I delivered the keynote speech at a special event kicking off the "Journey To The American Founding" initiative in Indiana. It's a partnership initiative between The Remnant Trust and Sagamore Institute to help guide the recognition and honoring of the 250th anniversary of the Declaration of Independence in 2026. I invite you to watch and listen to my speech. Feel free to … [Read more...]

Americanism Redux December 28, your today, on the journey to the American Founding, 250 years ago, in 1773 (Saint Nicholas, by Carlo Crivelli, 1472) "To Sint Nikolaas." People holding hands. Arms wrapping around necks and shoulders and waists. Smiles on faces. Laughter and words of happiness and good cheer. People having a pleasant and meaningful time. Inside is warmth. A … [Read more...]

Americanism Redux December 21, your today, on the journey to the American Founding, 250 years ago, in 1773 Well, it's over. And now... ...the waiting begins. 250 years ago today, an east-sailing ship carries five-day-old news across the Atlantic Ocean to London, England. The present's big event is a thing of the past that others will discover in the future. * * * * * * … [Read more...]