Americanism Redux April 11, your today, on the journey to the American Founding, 250 years ago, in 1774 Your money. It's in your account. How much? It's on your credit card? How much? It's listed on sheets and screens. How much? You access your money through passwords, numbered codes, facial recognition. You're reminded of it every time you see a person holding up a sign and asking … [Read more...]

Americanism Redux April 4, your today, on the journey to the American Founding, 250 years ago, in 1774 (communication of the casual and natural) Today, you meet your family, your friends, and the people who come and go as the minutes and hours tick by. You talk with them, write to them. Behind the words are ideas in your head. Some are so old and familiar to you that they … [Read more...]

Americanism Redux March 28, your today, on the journey to the American Founding, 250 years ago, in 1774 (together, voluntarily) Do you belong? To a club, a group, some sort of collection of people outside your family? Together, you and they meet each other, see each other, spend a period of time with each other. You, and they, are joined for a while around whatever it is that brings … [Read more...]

Americanism Redux March 21, your today, on the journey to the American Founding, 250 years ago, in 1774 (the Virginia bluebells) Take a walk in these first spring days and you'll see the early flowers, the Virginia bluebells. Delicate yet hardy, they are the flowers of aspiration. An aspiration differs from hope. It looks ahead with sharper eyes, seeing both considered plan and … [Read more...]

Americanism Redux March 14, your today, on the journey to the American Founding, 250 years ago, in 1774 A public problem has grown into a public crisis. Some people are part of pushing and driving the growth. Others resist and seek its undoing. Still others rush to stand apart and build a wall against whatever is coming. And life rolls ahead, over stones and rocks in the river. … [Read more...]

Americanism Redux March 7, your today, on the journey to the American Founding, 250 years ago, in 1774 Husband and wife. Parent and child. Friend and neighbor. Do human relationships get any more basic than these? You don't want them to shake or tremble. You don't want them to crack apart and break down. But across the table, across the room, across the fence, something seems to be … [Read more...]

Americanism Redux February 29, your today, on the journey to the American Founding, 250 years ago, in 1774 This day is your gift. Your gift of an extra day, Leap Day. We all know that time is a truly valuable thing in life. A Leap Day is like a few golden coins in your hand. So, what's your plan for the spending? An extension of the day before? A thing new and different? Peek into … [Read more...]

Americanism Redux February 22, your today, on the journey to the American Founding, 250 years ago, in 1774 "My life is (or is not) my own." Which is it for you? Is the answer one of choice or of compulsion, your freedom or something else's force? A blend of betweens? Think about your day and week up to now. As you begin to separate time into pieces, do you see any hint of things you're … [Read more...]

Americanism Redux February 15, your today, on the journey to the American Founding, 250 years ago, in 1774 There is a day when you know the driver of your life. It's the most basic, single element of your living. On this day you're crystal-clear about your life-drivers. * * * * * * * Today, 250 years ago, a British ship enters the port of a colonial city. The ship carries important … [Read more...]

Americanism Redux February 8, your today, on the journey to the American Founding, 250 years ago, in 1774 You need to see this thing. Good God, it's a massive tree. Down it came, crash and thud. By now, today, 250 years ago, the leaves are dead, the bark and branches gone, and the wood becomes plank and log. Other trees are laying next to it. (Harrod's tool) Over there, that's … [Read more...]