Best Profiles

Goodness! I have no right to expect to meet so many interesting people. But I do meet them, day after day, one by one. Today was no different. I met a potential client for my Creative Conversations service, my one-on-one coaching that uses history for personal growth. In the course of our chat, I realized that a profile can be built of those folks who excel and thrive with my ministry at … [Read more...]

Creative Conversation: Theodore Roosevelt And The Joy Of Life

Today I’m preparing for my next Creative Conversation with a client. The 1-hour session is this coming Monday. The topic is Theodore Roosevelt River. Specifically, my client and I will be exploring 1901-1905, the first presidential administration of Roosevelt. We’ll be looking closely, carefully, for applications to my client’s River. These applications are right there, waiting for us to … [Read more...]

A New Favorite Of Mine: Priscilla

I’ve now presented to a private client my module on Priscilla. The venue was my one-on-one coaching service entitled Creative Conversations. My client asked if anyone had written a book about Priscilla. That’s a sign that the module went well. The answer to the client’s question is: no. No book has been written on Priscilla. As I said to the client, we don’t know a lot of hard data about … [Read more...]