A Few Of The Rest

The rest of the story of US Air Flight 1549 is as compelling as the Two-Chairs. I’ve commented to folks many times that what I do is uncover the story, tell it, and then get out of the way. The past is fascinating and dramatic on its own merits. Sometimes the history made from the past drains away all the blood and life. Restore them and you’ve got a powerful thing on your hands. It’s true with this slice of eight minutes on a January afternoon in 2009.

Here are a few of the other parts that stand out as compellingly as the actions of Sullenberger and Skiles.

  • This unique moment in Sullenberger’s life as he steps aboard the aircraft
  • The role of technology, its good points and bad points
  • The shifts of the story from one scene to the next and the unusual leadership challenges they contain
  • The path that an ordinary day takes in becoming an extraordinary day
  • The fluctuating nature of a team
  • The massive importance of your past as it affects you in the present
  • The complex place, role, and use of information

If you’re not in a position to use this module in your organization, you might want to think about having me use this module with you individually.

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Thanks again. All the best, Dan